The David Ware Trust
Our Charity
The David Ware Tust is a charity based in Dublin, reaching out to countries such as Africa, India, Latvia and Cambodia.
"In 2004, the Lord placed a burden within us to reach out and help the poor and oppressed in nations other than our own. This ministry has begun in India. What started as a longing to reach and help a few has escalated into a work that was beyond all we could have hoped for or imagined. We have invested our prayer, our time and our love together with our money to various projects which help the disabled, the destitute, widows and orphans and many more. Our seed has developed and grown into ‘The David Ware Trust’, which now provides education, water, food, medicine, clothes, transport and even beds for those in need. It is our belief and vision that “He who gives to the poor lends to God”. Each year a team of approximately 15 people from our assembly have the privilege of travelling to India at their own expense to witness this ministry first hand.
Jesus once said “The poor you will always have” and in the light of this, we endeavour to reach further and further to help those in need. Our vision extends to reach the poor of many nations including the Jewish nation, African nation and those even closer to home in Europe." (Rev. Patrick Fitzgerald, co.founder)